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Immersive, Interactive Historical Dance Programming


Jeanette Watts,
Historical Dance Consultant
Bringing dance off the stage and onto the dance floor
Jeanette Watts never stops dancing.
While she taught social dance at the college level for seventeen years, she also started and ran a belly dance troupe, a French Cancan troupe, a college flash mob, and multiple historical ballroom dance clubs in multiple states.
She has been the program director for civil war-era balls, Regency balls, Renaissance dances, USO dances, 1950s sock hops, Ragtime dances, Colonial dances, Gay Nineties dances, and Roaring Twenties speakeasies.
She was recently a guest on Historyman: check out her interview here. (You might have to scroll down to "The Culture of Dance in RevWar with Jeanette Watts")
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